Strona bierna w czasach Simple - ćwiczenia

Strona bierna w języku angielskim (Passive voice) to konstrukcja zdaniowa, w której podmiot zdania nie jest bezpośrednim sprawcą działania, lecz doświadcza tego działania. W zdaniu biernym akcent kładzie się na tym, co się dzieje, a nie na tym, kto wykonuje daną czynność. Konstrukcję zdania biernego stosuje się w sytuacjach, w których nie znamy sprawcy działania, chcemy podkreślić obiekt działania, lub celowo ukryć tożsamość sprawcy.

Strona bierna w czasach simple angielski

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Strona bierna w czasach Simple ćwiczenia pdf

Tworzenie strony biernej wymaga użycia odpowiedniej formy czasownika „to be”. W czasach Simple będą to odpowiednio formy:

Simple Present: am, is, are.

Simple Past: was, were.

Future Simple: will be

Do powyższych form dostawiamy past participle czyli trzecią formę czasownika głównego. Model tworzenia przedstawia się następująco:

Podmiot + to be [w odpowiednim czasie] + past participle [III forma czasownika głównego].


Ćwiczenie 1

Strona bierna w czasie Present Simple używana jest do opisywania działań, które dzieją się regularnie lub są powszechne, zgodnie dla czasu gramatycznego. W zdaniach biernych w czasie teraźniejszym podmiot czynny staje się przedmiotem zdania biernego.

  1. The chef prepares delicious meals every evening.
  2. The gardener waters the plants twice a week.
  3. People speak Mandarin in many Asian countries.
  4. She teaches mathematics to the students.
  5. The mechanic fixes cars at the garage.
  6. The company produces eco-friendly products.
  7. We celebrate birthdays with a surprise party.
  8. They conduct experiments in the laboratory.
  9. The government imposes taxes on imported goods.
  10. The children recite poems during the assembly.

Ćwiczenie 2

Simple Future Passive Voice

Strona bierna w czasie Future Simple używana jest, gdy chcemy wyrazić, że coś zostanie zrobione w przyszłości. W tym czasie, podobnie jak w Simple Present, podmiot czynny staje się przedmiotem zdania biernego.

  1. The team will develop a new software program.
  2. She will publish her novel next month.
  3. Experts will analyse the data.
  4. The chef will prepare a special menu for the event.
  5. The government will launch a new initiative.
  6. The company will introduce innovative technology.
  7. They will announce the results next week.
  8. Volunteers will clean the park on Saturday.
  9. The school will organise a science fair.
  10. The construction workers will build a new bridge.

Ćwiczenie 3

Simple Past Passive Voice

Strona bierna w czasie Past Simple stosowana jest, gdy opisujemy zdarzenia, które miały miejsce w przeszłości.

  1. The chef cooked a delicious meal last night.
  2. Someone stole my bike yesterday.
  3. They visited Paris two weeks ago.
  4. She wrote a book last summer.
  5. The workers finished the project on time.
  6. The teacher explained the lesson yesterday.
  7. The company launched a new product in 2020.
  8. The janitor cleaned the school after the event.
  9. The team won the championship last year.
  10. The police arrested the suspect two days ago.

Ćwiczenie 4

  1. The report ________________ (write) by the team last month.
  2. Who teaches you English?
  3. The news ________________ (not/share) with the public.
  4. English ________________ (teach) to the students every week.
  5. By this time next year, the new highway ________________ (complete).
  6. The flowers ________________ (water) every morning.
  7. Did someone fix the broken window?
  8. The concert tickets ________________ (sell out) in a few hours.
  9. When I arrived, the meal ________________ (already/prepare).
  10. When will they announce the winners?
  11. Why ________________ (not/invite) to the party?
  12. The mistakes ________________ (not/fix) by the time of the inspection.
  13. The room ________________ (not/clean) before the guests arrived.

Ćwiczenie 5

Mix of Simple Tenses

Teraz połączmy różne czasy w jednym ćwiczeniu.

Przekształć podane zdania do strony biernej, uwzględniając różne czasy angielskie Simple Present, Simple Past, Future Simple.

  1. The city will host the Olympics.
  2. She reads a book every night.
  3. The team will design a new website.
  4. He sang a song at the concert.
  5. The sun rises in the east.
  6. We will organise a charity event.
  7. They played football last weekend.
  8. I write articles for the magazine.
  9. The company will launch a new product.
  10. She visited her grandparents last summer.
  11. The dog barks loudly.
  12. I will buy a new car next year.
  13. They will build a new school.
  14. He completed the marathon.
  15. The teacher explains the lesson.
  16. The artist paints beautiful portraits.
  17. They found a treasure in the cave.


Klucz do ćwiczeń

Ćwiczenie 1

  1. Delicious meals are prepared every evening by the chef.
  2. The plants are watered twice a week by the gardener.
  3. Mandarin is spoken in many Asian countries by people.
  4. Mathematics is taught to the students by her.
  5. Cars are fixed at the garage by the mechanic.
  6. Eco-friendly products are produced by the company.
  7. Birthdays are celebrated with a surprise party by us.
  8. Experiments are conducted in the laboratory by them.
  9. Taxes on imported goods are imposed by the government.
  10. Poems are recited during the assembly by the children.

Ćwiczenie 2

  1. A new software program will be developed by the team.
  2. Her novel will be published next month by her.
  3. The data will be analysed by experts.
  4. A special menu for the event will be prepared by the chef.
  5. A new initiative will be launched by the government.
  6. Innovative technology will be introduced by the company.
  7. The results will be announced next week by them.
  8. The park will be cleaned on Saturday by volunteers.
  9. A science fair will be organised by the school.
  10. A new bridge will be built by the construction workers.

Ćwiczenie 3

  1. A delicious meal was cooked by the chef last night.
  2. My bike was stolen yesterday by someone.
  3. Paris was visited two weeks ago by them.
  4. A book was written by her last summer.
  5. The project was finished on time by the workers.
  6. The lesson was explained by the teacher yesterday.
  7. A new product was launched in 2020 by the company.
  8. The school was cleaned by the janitor after the event.
  9. The championship was won last year by the team.
  10. The suspect was arrested two days ago by the police.

Ćwiczenie 4

  1. was written
  2. By whom is English taught to you?
  3. was not shared
  4. is taught
  5. will be completed
  6. are watered
  7. Was the broken window fixed?
  8. will sell out
  9. had already been prepared
  10. When will the winners be announced?
  11. Why were you not invited?
  12. will not be fixed
  13. had not been cleaned

Ćwiczenie 5

  1. The Olympics will be hosted by the city.
  2. A book is read by her every night.
  3. A new website will be designed by the team.
  4. A song was sung by him at the concert.
  5. The sun rises in the east.
  6. A charity event will be organised by us.
  7. Football was played by them last weekend.
  8. Articles are written by me for the magazine.
  9. A new product will be launched by the company.
  10. Her grandparents were visited by her last summer.
  11. Loud barking is done by the dog.
  12. A new car will be bought by me next year.
  13. A new school will be built by them.
  14. The marathon was completed by him.
  15. The lesson is explained by the teacher.
  16. Beautiful portraits are painted by the artist.
  17. A treasure was found by them in the cave.


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