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Letnie zwroty w języku angielskim - Lato z Speak Up

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Piękne lato zawitało do nas już jakiś czas temu, a dzisiaj rozpoczyna się całkiem oficjalnie. Z tej okazji przygotowaliśmy dla Was letnie słówka i zwroty po angielsku. Zapraszamy do lektury!


Letnie zwroty w języku angielskim


Język angielski obfituje w zwroty i wyrażenia idiomatyczne związane z latem. Wybraliśmy dla Was te najciekawsze.


The dog days of summer - to bardzo stare określenie na najgorętszy okres lata, zwykle na przełomie lipca i sierpnia.

“I don’t really like the dog days of summer when it’s really too hot to do anything.”


Travel on a shoestring - oznacza podróżowanie z bardzo niskim budżetem, zwykle używa się tego określenia, opisując wakacje studentów i innych młodych ludzi. Obejmuje noclegi w schroniskach i hostelach oraz poszukiwanie najniższych ofert cenowych.

“I quite enjoyed travelling on a shoestring when I was a student. It was a real adventure!”


Off the beaten path - to określenie podróżowania z dala od utartych, popularnych szlaków turystycznych w poszukiwaniu autentycznych doświadczeń.

“Mike loves getting off beaten path when he travels. He always visits small villages and avoids popular touristy spots.”


Soak up some sun - dosłownie “wciągać słońce”, czyli “opalać się”.

“I’m so tired after the long winter. I can’t wait to go on holidays somewhere hot and just soak up some sun.”


To be off on your vacation - czyli “wyjechać na wakacje”, w domyśle - gdzieś daleko.

“I’m afraid John isn’t at home at the moment. He’s off on his vacation in Spain”.


One swallow doesn’t make a summer - dokładny odpowiednik polskiego powiedzenia “jedna jaskółka wiosny nie czyni”.

“We managed to sell the first batch of the new line but one swallow doesn’t make a summer. Let’s wait until the end of the first quarter to celebrate.


A summer fling - krótki, wakacyjny romans

“I met your father on holidays in Italy. It was supposed to be just a summer fling and yet, here we are, celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary.”


To beat the heat - schronić się przed skwarem w pomieszczeniu, np. idąc do kina lub znajdując inną formę zajęcia.

“My husband usually beats the heat by going to a pub. It’s always cool in there.”


Indian summer - odpowiednik naszej “ złotej polskiej jesieni’, czyli najpiękniejszy okres tej pory roku.

“My favourite time in the year is Indian summer, when it’s dry, sunny and beautiful.”


Czy uda Wam się opisać swoje wakacje za pomocą któregoś z tych wyrażeń? Czekamy na Wasze komentarze!





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Summer expressions in English - Summer with Speak Up


The beautiful summer came round some time ago, but today it starts quite officially. On that occasion we prepared for you some summer expressions and phrases in English. Enjoy the reading!


Summer expressions in English 


English language is abundant in phrases and idiomatic expressions connected with summer. We have chosen the most interesting ones for you.


The dog days of summer - a very old English expression that describes the hottest days in summer, usually between July and August.

“I don’t really like the dog days of summer when it’s really too hot to do anything.”


Travel on a shoestring -  means travelling on a very low budget, it’s usually used to describe students’ and other young people’s holidays. It includes sleeping in shelters and hostels and looking for bargains.

“I quite enjoyed travelling on a shoestring when I was a student. It was a real adventure!”


Off the beaten path - this expression describes travelling away from popular touristy routes in order to find more authentic experiences.

“Mike loves getting off beaten path when he travels. He always visits small villages and avoids popular touristy spots.”


Soak up some sun - that simply means lying in the sun and getting a tan.

“I’m so tired after the long winter. I can’t wait to go on holidays somewhere hot and just soak up some sun.”


To be off on your vacation - you use this expression to say that somebody has gone on their holidays, presumably, quite far away.

“I’m afraid John isn’t at home at the moment. He’s off on his vacation in Spain”.


One swallow doesn’t make a summer - this phrase is used to say that one good thing doesn’t guarantee more of them coming.

“We managed to sell the first batch of the new line but one swallow doesn’t make a summer. Let’s wait until the end of the first quarter to celebrate.


A summer fling - a short romance, usually during holidays, that is not supposed to last longer than the summer.

“I met your father on holidays in Italy. It was supposed to be just a summer fling and yet, here we are, celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary.”


To beat the heat - to hide from the heat indoors, e.g. by finding some indoor activity.

“My husband usually beats the heat by going to a pub. It’s always cool in there.”


Indian summer - the most beautiful time in the autumn, when the weather is dry, sunny and pleasant.

“My favourite time in the year is Indian summer, when it’s dry, sunny and beautiful.”


Can you describe your holidays by means any of the above expressions? We are looking forward to your comments!



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Piękne lato zawitało do nas już jakiś czas temu, a dzisiaj rozpoczyna się całkiem oficjalnie. Z tej okazji przygotowaliśmy dla Was letnie słówka i zwroty po angielsku. Zapraszamy do lektury!

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