Mówiąc o czynnościach powtarzalnych i nawykach z przeszłości, możemy w języku angielskim wybierać pomiędzy czasem Past Simple, konstrukcją used to oraz would + bezokolicznik. Aby przypomnieć sobie zasady ich stosowania, zajrzyj na www.speak-up.pl/gramatyka.
Used to, would testy do rozwiązywania
Nasze ćwiczenia na konstrukcję used to i would pomogą Ci samodzielnie wyćwiczyć i utrwalić różnicę pomiędzy tymi dwoma konstrukcjami. Ściągnij je, wydrukuj i sprawdź rozwiązania w załączonym kluczu.
Podzieliliśmy nasz zestaw ćwiczeń do druku w pdf na dwie oddzielne sekcje. Pierwsza z nich pozwoli Ci utrwalić sposób tworzenia zdań twierdzących, przeczących i pytań z used to. W drugiej będziesz mógł sprawdzić swoje zrozumienie różnicy w stosowaniu used to oraz would + bezokolicznik.

Used to - zdania twierdzące
Pamiętaj, że we wszystkich osobach konstrukcja used to + bezokolicznik wygląda identycznie.
Ćwiczenie 1
Uzupełnij poniższe zdania czasownikiem w poprawnej formie.
- I __________________ (walk) to school when I was 10 years old.
- My grandfather __________________ (tell) us stories about his youth when we spend holidays with him.
- As small children we __________________ (spend) our holidays at the sea.
- Our mother __________________ (prepare) breakfast for us when we were children.
- Mark and Josh __________________ (have) a lot of friends when they lived in a students’ house.
- You __________________ (sleep) with a teddy bear when you were little!
- Did you know that your Dad __________________ (play) in a heavy metal band in high school?
- My dog __________________ (chew) all leather shoes in the house when she was a puppy. We __________________ (hide) them on the top shelves!
- Her children __________________ (sleep) very little at night when they were babies so she __________________ (be) very tired.
- This area __________________ (look) very different in the 1950s.
Used to - zdania przeczące
Przypominamy: zdania przeczące z used to tworzymy za pomocą operatora didn’t. Pamiętaj o usunięciu -d: didn’t use to + bezokolicznik!
Ćwiczenie 2
Zamień zdania twierdzące na przeczenia.
- Amanda used to smoke when she studied law.
- People used to travel by planes in the 19th century.
- Children used to do their homeworks on computers when I went to school.
- I used to drink a lot of coffee when I was a teenager.
- Life used to be simpler in the Middle Ages.
- There used to be a lot of interesting TV programmes in the 1940s.
- My son used to play with Lego blocks when he was 6 months old.
- My town used to be very polluted 30 years ago.
- Mark used to have breakfast at home when he worked for the previous company.
- My husband and I used to watch a lot of Netflix before our children were born.
Used to - pytania
Czy pamiętasz, że pytania z wyrażeniem used to tworzymy za pomocą operatora did? Tutaj także znika końcówka -d!
Ćwiczenie 3
Z podanych słów ułóż pytania z wyrażeniem used to.
- where / you / spend Christmas / when you were single?
- what / she / do at the weekends / before she got married?
- how / your grandparents / travel to work?
- people in the 1500s / listen to disco music?
- how many books a month / your sister / read / when she was a student?
- what / you / eat for breakfast/ when you were a child?
- how many times a week / the footballer / practise / before the accident happened?
- there / be / more trees / in your neighborhood / when you were a teenager?
- who / she / play with / when she lived in the suburbs?
- how much TV / you watch / when you were a child?
Used to i would - ćwiczenia mieszane
Czy pamiętasz, jaka jest różnica w zastosowaniu pomiędzy used to a would + bezokolicznik? Przypominamy: ta druga konstrukcja używana jest jedynie w stosunku do czynności. Used to jest bardziej uniwersalne i może opisywać zarówno czynności, jak i stany.
Ćwiczenie 4
W których z podanych poniżej zdań możliwe jest zastosowanie would + bezokolicznik? Tam, gdzie będzie to poprawne gramatycznie, przepisz zdanie, stosując konstrukcję would + bezokolicznik zamiast used to.
- I used to believe that the world was a safe place when I was a child.
- Did Mark use to spend every weekend in a pub when he was a student?
- Jim didn’t use to drink tea when he was younger.
- They used to like each other. What happened?
- When Betty was a little girl she used to think that fairies lived in her garden.
- Albert didn’t use to stay at work until 10 pm when he was a trainee manager.
- My grandmother used to bake a cake every Saturday.
- Our mother used to read us stories at bedtime.
- My sister used to hate tomatoes when she was a child but now she likes them.
- How did they use to travel to school?
Ćwiczenie 5
Przetłumacz fragmenty zdań w nawiasach na język angielski. Tam, gdzie to możliwe, użyj wyrażenia would + bezokolicznik.
- ____________________ (Nie oglądałem horrorów) when I lived alone.
- ____________________ (Alice bała się pająków) when she was a child.
- ____________________ (Co wy robiliście) in your free time when there was no Internet access in your village?
- ____________________ (Dzieci nie bawiły się) in the forest alone. It was too dangerous at that time.
- As a child ____________________ (miałem psa) whose name was Pluto.
- ____________________ (Mike nie bawił się) with other children after school.
- When Leon lived with his parents ____________________ (chodził na zakupy) every morning.
- ____________________ (Ten region był bardzo niebezpieczny) for travellers two hundred years ago.
- ____________________ (Czy mieliście zwierzątko domowe) when you were children?
- ____________________ (Jak ona świętowała) her birthday when she was young?

Used to i would - klucz
Ćwiczenie 1
- used to walk
- used to tell
- used to spend
- used to prepare
- used to have
- used to sleep
- used to play
- used to chew, used to hide
- used to sleep, used to be
- used to look
Ćwiczenie 2
- Amanda didn’t use to smoke when she studied law.
- People didn’t use to travel by planes in the 19th century.
- Children didn’t use to do their homeworks on computers when I went to school.
- I didn’t use to drink a lot of coffee when I was a teenager.
- Life didn’t use to be simpler in the Middle Ages.
- There didn’t use to be a lot of interesting TV programmes in the 1940s.
- My son didn’t use to play with Lego blocks when he was 6 months old.
- My town didn’t use to be very polluted 30 years ago.
- Mark didn’t use to have breakfast at home when he worked for the previous company.
- My husband and I didn’t use to watch a lot of Netflix before our children were born.
Ćwiczenie 3
- Where did you use to spend Christmas when you were single?
- What did she use to do at the weekends before she got married?
- How did your grandparents use to travel to work?
- Did people in the 1500s use to listen to disco music?
- How many books a month did your sister use to read when she was a student?
- What did you use to eat for breakfast when you were a child?
- How many times a week did the footballer use to practise before the accident happened?
- Did there use to be more trees in your neighbourhood when you were a teenager?
- Who did she use to play with when she lived in the suburbs?
- How much TV did you use to watch when you were a child?
Ćwiczenie 4
- I used to believe that the world was a safe place when I was a child.
- Would Mark spend every weekend in a pub when he was a student?
- Jim wouldn’t drink tea when he was younger.
- They used to like each other. What happened?
- When Betty was a little girl she used to think that fairies lived in her garden.
- Albert wouldn’t stay at work until 10 pm when he was a trainee manager.
- My grandmother would bake a cake every Saturday.
- Our mother would read us stories at bedtime.
- My sister used to hate tomatoes when she was a child but now she likes them.
- How would they travel to school?
Ćwiczenie 5
- I wouldn’t watch horror films
- Alice used to be scared/afraid of spiders
- What would you do
- The children wouldn’t play
- I used to have a dog
- Mike wouldn’t play
- he would go shopping
- This area used to be very dangerous
- Did you use to have
- How would she celebrate