Teoretyczne opanowanie zasad dotyczących stosowania poszczególnych czasów gramatycznych w języku angielskim jest dość proste. Nieco trudniej robi się, kiedy musisz zastosować je w praktyce. A prawdziwa zabawa zaczyna się, gdy musisz zdecydować, który czas pasuje do wybranej sytuacji. Na szczęście, to tylko kwestia wprawy, której nabierzesz dzięki rozwiązaniu odpowiedniej ilości ćwiczeń. Ten zestaw pozwoli Ci opanować właściwe użycie czasów Present Simple i Present Continuous.
Porównanie czasów Present Simple i Present Continuous - testy do rozwiązywania
Czy pamiętasz, w jaki sposób budować zdania w poszczególnych czasach i kiedy stosować Present Simple, a kiedy Present Continuous? Jeśli nie jest, zanim przystąpisz do rozwiązywania testów, przeczytaj o tym w naszej Gramatyce języka angielskiego!

Ćwiczenie 1
Wybierz poprawną opcję.
- Look! Monica stands/is standing at the bus stop.
- I want/am wanting to talk to you about something important.
- Alice always gets/is getting up at 6 o’clock.
- My husband always leaves/ is always leaving his dirty socks on the floor!
- Your friends are outside. They wait/are waiting for you.
- Sorry, I don’t understand/’m not understanding you.
- You never come/are coming on time.
- We often spend/are spending our holidays at the seaside.
- What do you do/are you doing? I’m a teacher.
- The windows are dirty. I clean/am cleaning them now.
Ćwiczenie 2
Uzupełnij poniższe zdania czasownikiem w poprawnej formie.
- This is Jenny. She _______________ (sometimes/work) with me.
- Where are the children? _______________ (they/play) in the park now?
- Oh, that smells great! What _______________ (you/cook)?
- Amanda is very talented. She _______________ (paint) beautiful portraits.
- My friends _______________(often/invite) me at the weekends.
- Why _______________ (you/delete) these pictures? Don’t you like them?
- Your mum _______________(bake) delicious cakes.
- They _______________(not/make) clothes in this factory.
- _______________ (she/get up) at 7 o’clock every day?
- _______________ (he/have) fun at this party?
Ćwiczenie 3
Przetłumacz fragmenty zdań w nawiasach na język angielski.
- Our teacher ___________________ (zawsze zadaje) us homework.
- (Co robisz) ___________________ today after school?
- My dog ___________________ (nigdy nie szczeka) at strangers.
- Children ___________________ (nie lubią) tidying their rooms.
- ___________________ (nie pracuję) from home this week.
- Why ___________________ (zawsze pomagasz) Jeremy? He’s never nice to you!
- Andrea ___________________ (próbuje) to sleep but it’s too loud.
- They ___________________ (rzadko organizują) birthday parties at home.
- ___________________ (nie wierzę) my eyes! Is that Susan with Tom?
- Why ___________________ (ona zawsze przychodzi) late? That’s so annoying!
Ćwiczenie 4
Popraw błędy w zdaniach.
- I am never getting up late.
- Are Alice sleeping at the moment?
- Jim don’t live with his parents.
- My husband is wanting to change his job.
- My dog doesn’t eats chocolate.
- They get married next Saturday.
- My parents don’t watching TV at the moment.
- Look! Peter and John is playing football!
- I’m thinking that is a great idea!
- You always leave the light on in the bathroom. It is so irritating!

Present Simple i Present Continuous - klucz
Ćwiczenie 1
- is standing
- want
- gets
- is always leaving
- are waiting
- don’t understand
- come
- spend
- do you do
- am cleaning
Ćwiczenie 2
- sometimes works
- are they playing
- are you cooking
- paints
- often invite
- are you deleting
- bakes
- don’t make
- Does she get up
- Is he having
Ćwiczenie 3
- always gives
- What are you doing
- never barks
- don’t like
- I’m not working
- do you always help
- is trying
- seldom organise
- I don’t believe
- is she always coming
Ćwiczenie 4
- I never get up late.
- Is Alice sleeping at the moment?
- Jim doesn’t live ith his parents.
- My husband wants to change his job.
- My dog doesn’t eat chocolate.
- They are getting married next Saturday.
- My parents aren’t watching TV at the moment.
- Look! Peter and John are playing football!
- I think that is a great idea!
- You are always leaving the light on in the bathroom. It is so irritating