Zdania w angielskim czasie Present Perfect tłumaczone są na język polski w czasie teraźniejszym lub przeszłym - w zależności od kontekstu. Dlatego Polacy uczący się angielskiego mają czasami problemy z rozróżnieniem sytuacji, w których należy zastosować Present Perfect od tych, gdy właściwy będzie czas Past Simple lub Present Simple. Nasze ćwiczenia do druku na porównanie tych trzech czasów pomogą Ci dostrzec i zrozumieć, na czym polega różnica między nimi.
Porównanie czasów Present Perfect, Past Simple i Present Simple - testy do rozwiązywania
Zanim zaczniesz rozwiązywać ćwiczenia z angielskich czasów, przypomnij sobie, jak poprawnie budować zdania oraz w jakich sytuacjach powinieneś stosować poszczególne konstrukcje. Wszystkie potrzebne informacje na ten temat znajdziesz na stronie www.speak-up.pl w zakładce Gramatyka j. angielskiego.

Ćwiczenie 1
Wybierz poprawną opcję.
- I know/knew/have known Peter for three years.
- Walter buy/bought/has bought a new car last month.
- We never are/never were/have never been to the USA.
- My sister lives/lived/has lived in Los Angeles. She moves/moved/has moved there two years ago.
- Shakespeare writes/wrote/has written “Romeo and Juliet”.
- My neighbour wants/wanted/has wanted to become a writer. However, he doesn’t write/didn’t write/hasn’t written a single book as yet.
- A: How long do you live/did you live/have you lived in Hungary? B: We live/lived/have lived there for only about a year, then we move/moved/have moved to Brazil.
- Miranda always dreams/always dreamt/has always dreamt of travelling around the world. She already saves/already saved/has already saved some money for the trip.
- My computer is unreliable. It breaks down/broke down/has broken down regularly.
- What’s your surname, Pam? I’m afraid I forget/forgot/have forgotten it.
Ćwiczenie 2
Uzupełnij poniższe zdania czasownikiem w poprawnej formie.
- Tina says she __________________ (read) this book three times so far.
- Gina is the worst boss I __________________ (ever/have). She __________________ (never/talk) to the employees.
- Mary __________________ (live) with her parents since she __________________ (finish) her studies.
- We __________________ (usually/do) shopping in big shopping centres but recently I __________________ (be) to the local shops more.
- There’s nobody at home. Where __________________ (they/go)?
- A: George __________________ (not see) his children since February. B:That’s terrible! __________________ (he/work) abroad?
- A:Oh no! They __________________ (close) our favourite pub! B: When __________________ (it/happen)?
- How long __________________ (Samantha/drive) the company car?
- __________________ (Mike/behave) well as a child?
- __________________ (your teacher/always/give) you so much homework?
Ćwiczenie 3
Przetłumacz fragmenty zdań w nawiasach na język angielski.
- They __________________ (sprzedają) good quality house appliances in that shop.
- __________________ (Czy ty kiedykolwiek leciałeś) in a hot-air balloon?
- My friend __________________ (napisała) a few books. She __________________ (nie jest) famous yet but I believe she will be one day.
- A: __________________ (czy lubisz) riding a bicycle? B: Sure, but I __________________ (nie jeździłem) a bicycle since last year.
- When __________________ (twoja siostra wyszła za mąż)?
- How many times a day __________________ (ty zwykle sprawdzasz) your email?
- My children __________________ (uczą się) languages since they were 3 years old.
- Why __________________ (on zawsze się spóźnia)?
- __________________ (zapomniałem) to pay do the shopping yesterday.
- A: __________________ (czym się zajmujesz) Bob? B: I’m a sales representative. __________________ (sprzedaję) software for ten years now.
Ćwiczenie 4
Popraw błędy w zdaniach.
- Amanda works in our office since February.
- Mike and Bill didn’t talk to each other since they fell out.
- How long has you known each other?
- My brother has gone to school at 8 o’clock.
- We haven’t finish the project yet.
- Be careful! I just cleaned the floor.
- Bethany is my best friend. We have met every Saturday for a glass of wine.
- The webinar has begun ten minutes ago.
- Don’t worry, the movie just started. You haven’t missed much.
- My cousin is very talented. She has painted beautiful pictures.
Present Perfect i Past Simple i Present Simple - klucz
Ćwiczenie 1
- have known
- bought
- have never been
- lives, moved
- wrote
- wants, hasn’t written
- did you live, lived, moved
- has always dreamt, has already saved
- breaks down
- have forgotten
Ćwiczenie 2
- has read
- have ever had, never talks
- has lived, finished
- usually do, have been
- have they gone
- hasn’t seen, Does he work
- have closed, did it happen
- has Samatha driven
- Did Mike behave
- Does your teacher always give
Ćwiczenie 3
- sell
- Have you ever flown
- has written, isn’t
- Do you like, haven’t ridden
- did your sister get married
- do you usually check
- have learnt
- is he always late (lub: does he always come late)
- I forgot
- What do you do, I have sold
Ćwiczenie 4
Popraw błędy w zdaniach.
- Amanda has worked in our office since February.
- Mike and Bill haven’t talked to each other since they fell out.
- How long have you known each other?
- My brother went to school at 8 o’clock.
- We haven’t finished the project yet.
- Be careful! I have just cleaned the floor.
- Bethany is my best friend. We meet every Saturday for a glass of wine.
- The webinar began ten minutes ago.
- Don’t worry, the movie has just started. You haven’t missed much.
- My cousin is very talented. She paints beautiful pictures.