Present Continuous - ćwiczenia

Jeśli chcesz powtórzyć lub utrwalić czas Present Continuous, przydadzą Ci się do tego odpowiednie ćwiczenia do druku. Poniżej znajdziesz zestawy ćwiczeń na ten czas w formie pliku pdf. Ściągnij je, wydrukuj i rozwiąż w dogodnym dla Ciebie czasie! Na końcu umieściliśmy klucz, dzięki któremu samodzielnie sprawdzisz, czy podane przez Ciebie odpowiedzi są poprawne.


Present Continuous testy do rozwiązywania

Nasze ćwiczenia na Present Continuous ułożone są w logiczny sposób, ułatwiający przyswajanie i zapamiętywanie materiału. Przed do rozpoczęciem rozwiązywania ćwiczeń, warto przypomnieć sobie zasady tworzenia zdań w czasie Present Continuous. Znajdziesz je w naszej sekcji z gramatyką: Czas Present Continuous


Present Continuous - ćwiczenia, zdania twierdzące

Przed ćwiczeniami, krótkie przypomnienie zasad: pamiętaj, że czas Present Continuous składa się z dwóch elementów. Pierwszym jest odmieniona forma czasownika to be (am/is/are), a drugim czasownik z końcówką -ing


Ćwiczenie 1

Uzupełnij poniższe zdania czasownikiem w poprawnej formie.

  1. It __________ (rain) outside.
  2. My friends __________ (stay) in this hotel.
  3. You __________ (come) with us!
  4. I __________ (go) on holidays tomorrow.
  5. Roger __________ (have) a cup of coffee.
  6. We __________ (sit) in a restaurant and __________ (wait) for you.
  7. The children __________ (cry)! I don’t know what to do!
  8. My daughter __________ (dance) to loud music.
  9. John __________ (sleep) at the moment.
  10. Be careful! That car __________ (stop).

Ćwiczenie 2

Napisz pełne zdania twierdzące z podanych słów.

  1. Jim / read a magazine 


  2. Her parents / wait for her


  3. Lenny/ train karate


  4. The little boy / smile


  5. You / work hard


  6. Mr Black / write a report


  7. I / play chess with my father


  8. The cat / sleep


  9. We / discuss something important now


  10. It / get cold



Ćwiczenie 3

Przetłumacz frazy podane w nawiasach na język angielski.

      1. She __________ (mówi) you the truth.
      2. __________ (czytam) a fascinating book at the moment.
      3. You __________ (robisz) progress!
      4. The sun __________ (świeci).
      5. My parents __________ always __________ (kłócą się) on holidays!
      6. We __________ (pracujemy) hard to finish this project on time.
      7. My French __________ (staje się) better and better.
      8. My sister __________ (wychodzi za mąż) this weekend. 
      9. Oh no! My neighbours’ children __________ (płakaczą) again!
      10. __________ (próbuję) to sleep. Can you be more quiet, please?


Present Continuous - zdania przeczące

Czy pamiętasz, że zdania przeczące w czasie Present Continuous tworzymy poprzez dodanie not do odmienionej formy czasownika to be


Ćwiczenie 4

Zamień poniższe zdania twierdzące na przeczenia.

  1. I’m working on a new book.


  2. Mrs White is staying with her sister at the moment.


  3. My friends are travelling across Europe this summer.


  4. Mark is applying for a position in our company.


  5. The children are playing in the park.


  6. We are sunbathing on the beach.


  7. You are working very hard.


  8. The police are currently investigating this case.


  9. Jane is complaining about the work customer service.


  10. I’m throwing my birthday party next week.



Ćwiczenie 5

Uzupełnij zdania zaprzeczeniem.

          1. Peter is talking to David but he __________ to Monica.
          2. I’m drinking beer but I __________ champagne today.
          3. My son is eating meat but he __________ salad.
          4. The cleaning lady is cleaning the toilet but she __________ the hall.
          5. The sun is shining at the seaside today but it __________ in the mountains.
          6. We’re thinking of buying a new car but we __________ of buying a new house.
          7. The students are writing a test on English this week but they __________ a test on Maths.
          8. You’re playing with your dog but you __________ with your cat.
          9. My dad is preparing dinner but he __________ supper today. 
          10. I’m travelling to Hungary this year but I __________ to Greece.


Ćwiczenie 6

Przetłumacz frazy podane w nawiasach na język angielski.

          1. The lesson __________ (nie kończy się) in five minutes.
          2. We __________ (nie śmiejemy się) at you!
          3. Amanda __________ (nie rozmawia) on the phone at the moment.
          4. Grandmother __________ (nie ogląda) her favourite TV series at the moment.
          5. The teachers __________ (nie omawiają) the students’ final marks.
          6. You __________ (nie sprzątasz) your room!
          7. They __________ (nie budują) any new block of flats in our town.
          8. My secretary __________ (nie odbiera) the phone.
          9. __________ (nie planuję) to change my job any time soon.
          10. You __________ (nie słuchacie) to me!


Present Continuous - pytania i krótkie odpowiedzi

Pamiętaj, że pytania w czasie Present Continuous tworzymy przez inwersję. Do utworzenia krótkich odpowiedzi potrzebujemy zaimka osobowego i operatora (am/is/are)


Ćwiczenie 7

Zamień zdania twierdzące na pytania.

  1. Brian is listening to the radio.


  2. The children are sleeping.


  3. Jim is preparing for his driving licence test.


  4. You are doing your homework.


  5. Monica’s parents are having their afternoon coffee in the garden.


  6. Mr Elvis is painting his fence.


  7. Someone is knocking on the door.


  8. We’re finishing work at 5 o’clock today.


  9. I’m running late.


  10. They are repairing our car.



Ćwiczenie 8

Ułóż pytania do pogrubionej części zdania.

  1. Ellena is eating a banana.


  2. My friends are waiting outside.


  3. Our mother is baking a cake.


  4. He’s looking at this watch because he’s late. 


  5. We’re meeting Laura today.


  6. Jim is visiting his grandparents this weekend


  7. They are leaving at 6 am.


  8. Rita is dancing with Andrew


  9. We’re going on our holidays to France.


  10. The children are making noise.



Ćwiczenie 9

Uzupełnij krótkie odpowiedzi.

          1. Is Jerry having a video call at the moment? Yes, __________.
          2. Are Sam’s parents working now? No, __________.
          3. Are you enjoying the party? Yes, __________.
          4. Is it raining? No, __________.
          5. Is your son still dating your neighbour's daughter? Yes, __________.
          6. Am I making myself clear? Yes, __________.
          7. Is your grandmother enjoying her holidays? No, __________.
          8. Are we finishing work earlier today? Yes, __________.
          9. Are these men practising taekwondo? No, __________.
          10. Are the students wearing protective glasses during chemistry experiments? Yes, __________.


Present Continuous - ćwiczenia mieszane

Połączmy teraz wszystkie typy zdań w czasie Present Continuous.


Ćwiczenie 10

Uzupełnij luki czasownikami w poprawnej formie.

          1. Adam __________ (teach) his daughter how to ride a bicycle now.
          2. Why __________ (you/wear) gloves? It’s not cold today.
          3. I __________ (not/help) you this time!
          4. My sisters ____________________ (always/make) fun of my hair.
          5. Why __________ (she/drive) so fast? It's dangerous!
          6. They __________ (not/take) their children to the zoo but to the amusement park.
          7. What __________ (they/talk) about?
          8. __________ (it/snow) again?
          9. __________ (you/make) tea?
          10. We __________ (not/try) to steal those things!


Ćwiczenie 11

Czasowniki w nawiasach wpisz w poprawnej formie.

I (1) __________ (look) at a family photograph. There are five people in it. They (2) __________ (sit) outside. It’s a nice day and the sun (3) __________ (shine). It (4) __________ (not/rain). They (5) __________ (celebrate) an important event - a wedding. One of the men (6) __________ (wear) a suit and he (7) __________ (smile). An older woman (8) __________ (stand) in the background. She (9) __________ (not/smile), she looks very serious. In the middle of the picture there’s a beautiful young woman. She (10) __________ (hold) a bunch of roses. This is me on my wedding day!


Ćwiczenie 12

Przetłumacz poniższe zdania na język angielski.

  1. Słucham teraz bardzo ciekawego podcastu.


  2. Tom nie śpi. On uczy się angielskiego.


  3. Dlaczego ci ludzi krzyczą?


  4. W sobotę jedziemy na zakupy do centrum handlowego.


  5. Co robią dzieci? Grają w gry komputerowe.


  6. Dziś wieczorem gram w tenisa.


  7. Mój komputer nie działa dobrze.


  8. Ty nie sprawdzasz teraz Facebooka.


  9. Dlaczego wrzucasz to zdjęcie na Instagrama?




Present Continuous - klucz


Ćwiczenie 1

          1. is raining
          2. are staying
          3. are coming
          4. am going
          5. is having
          6. are sitting, waiting
          7. are crying
          8. is dancing
          9. is sleeping
          10. is stopping


Ćwiczenie 2

          1. Jim is reading a magazine.
          2. Her parents are waiting for her.
          3. Lenny is training karate.
          4. The little boy is smiling.
          5. You are working hard.
          6. Mr Black is writing a report.
          7. I am playing chess with my father.
          8. The cat is sleeping.
          9. We are discussing something important now. 
          10.  It is getting cold.


Ćwiczenie 3

          1. is telling
          2. I’m reading
          3. are making
          4. is shining
          5. are always arguing/quarrelling
          6. are working
          7. is getting
          8. is getting married
          9. are crying
          10. I’m trying

Ćwiczenie 4

          1. I’m not working on a new book.
          2. Mrs White isn’t staying with her sister at the moment.
          3. My friends aren’t travelling across Europe this summer.
          4. Mark isn’t applying for a position in our company.
          5. The children aren’t playing in the park.
          6. We aren’t sunbathing on the beach.
          7. You aren’t working very hard.
          8. The police aren’t currently investigating this case.
          9. Jane isn’t complaining about the work customer service.
          10. I’m not throwing my birthday party next week.


Ćwiczenie 5

          1. isn’t talking
          2. am not drinking
          3. isn’t eating
          4. isn’t cleaning
          5. isn’t shining
          6. are thinking
          7. aren’t writing
          8. aren’t playing
          9. isn’t preparing
          10. am not travelling


Ćwiczenie 6

          1. isn’t finishing
          2. are laughing
          3. isn’t talking
          4. isn’t watching
          5. aren’t discussing
          6. are tidying/cleaning
          7. aren’t building
          8. isn’t answering/ picking up
          9. I’m not planning
          10. aren’t listening


Ćwiczenie 7

          1. Is Brian listening to the radio?
          2. Are the children sleeping?
          3. Is Jim preparing for his driving licence test?
          4. Are you doing your homework?
          5. Are Monica’s parents having their afternoon coffee in the garden?
          6. Is Mr Elvis painting his fence?
          7. Is someone knocking on the door?
          8. Are we finishing work at 5 o’clock today?
          9. Am I running late?
          10. Are they repairing our car?

Ćwiczenie 8

          1. What is Ellena eating?
          2. Where are your/my friends waiting?
          3. What is your/my mother doing?
          4. Why is he looking at his watch?
          5. Who are you meeting today?
          6. When is Jim visiting his grandparents?
          7. What time are they leaving?
          8. Who is Rita dancing with?
          9. Where are you going on your holidays?
          10. Who is making noise?


Ćwiczenie 9

          1. Yes, he is.
          2. No, they aren’t.
          3. Yes, I am.
          4. No, it isn’t.
          5. Yes, he is.
          6. Yes, you are.
          7. No, she isn’t.
          8. Yes, we are.
          9. No, they aren’t.
          10. Yes, they are.

Ćwiczenie 10

          1. is teaching
          2. are you wearing
          3. am not helping
          4. are always making
          5.  is she driving
          6. aren’t taking
          7. are they talking
          8. is it snowing
          9. are you making
          10. aren’t trying


Ćwiczenie 11

          1. am looking
          2. are sitting
          3. is shining 
          4. isn’t raining
          5. are celebrating 
          6. is wearing
          7. is smiling
          8. is standing
          9. isn’t smiling
          10. is holding


Ćwiczenie 12

          1. I’m listening to a very interesting podcast now.
          2. Tom isn’t sleeping. He’s learning English.
          3. Why are these people shouting?
          4. On Saturday we’re going shopping to a shopping centre.
          5. What are the children doing? They’re playing computer games.
          6. I’m playing tennis tonight.
          7. My computer isn’t working well.
          8. You’re not checking Facebook now.
          9. Why are you uploading this photo on Instagram?


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