Trzeci okres warunkowy - ćwiczenia

Trzeci okres warunkowy (Third Conditional Clause) używamy, aby mówić o sytuacjach, które mogłyby się wydarzyć w przeszłości, ale się nie wydarzyły. Kontekst każdego zdania w trzecim okresie warunkowym odnosi się stricte do przeszłości. W języku polskim third conditional funkcjonuje jako dosyć starodawna forma wypowiedzi, na przykład: gdybym (był) wiedział, to pomógłbym ci natychmiast. Coraz rzadziej spotykamy się z taką formą i w języku polskim skracamy ją do gdybym wiedział (oczywiście myśląc o przeszłości), jednak angielska gramatyka w tym zakresie jest mocno usystematyzowana.

Konstrukcja trzeciego okresu warunkowego to:

If + past perfect, would have + past participle


If I had known about the party, I would have gone. - Gdybym wiedział o przyjęciu, poszedłbym.

Kiedy używamy trzeciego okresu warunkowego w angielskim

Wszystkie sytuacje bądź co bądź realne), które mogły wydarzyć się w przeszłości a nie miały miejsca wyrażane są za pomocą trzeciego okresu warunkowego. Również używamy go do wyrażania żalu (If I had known...), hipotetycznych scenariuszy (If we had taken the earlier flight...), rozczarowania lub krytyki związanej z decyzjami podjętymi w przeszłości (If you had listened to me, we wouldn't have gotten lost).

Trzeci okres warunkowy - testy do rozwiązywania

Pamiętaj, że trzeci okres warunkowy wykorzystuje czas past perfect (e.g. had known, had realised) tuż po if oraz konstrukcję would have + past participle (e.g. would have bought, would have given). Nasz zestaw ćwiczeń “Trzeci okres warunkowy ćwiczenia pdf” pozwoli Ci sprawdzić samodzielnie w jakim stopniu jesteś biegły gramatycznie i kontekstowo jeśli chodzi o to zagadnienie. Pobierz ćwiczenia na komputer, wydrukuj je i rozwiąż. Odpowiedzi możesz sprawdzić w kluczu dołączonym na końcu zestawu. Powodzenia!


Ćwiczenie 1

Uzupełnij poniższe zdania, stosując trzeci okres warunkowy. Dopasuj czasowniki w nawiasach do odpowiedniej formy.

  1. If she _______ (study) harder, she _______ (pass) the exam.
  2. They _______ (go) to the beach if it _______ (not/rain).
  3. If I _______ (see) him, I _______ (tell) him the news.
  4. You _______ (feel) better if you _______ (take) the medicine.
  5. If we _______ (leave) earlier, we _______ (arrive) on time.
  6. She _______ (meet) him if she _______ (go) to the party.
  7. If he _______ (not/miss) the bus, he _______ (be) here by now.
  8. We _______ (be) happy if we _______ (know) the results earlier.
  9. If they _______ (invite) us, we _______ (attend) the wedding.
  10. You _______ (understand) it if you _______ (read) the instructions.
  11. If I _______ (find) the keys, I _______ (not/be) late.
  12. She _______ (not/cry) if she _______ (hear) the good news.
  13. If we _______ (ask) for directions, we _______ (not/get) lost.
  14. He _______ (win) the race if he _______ (train) harder.
  15. If you _______ (call) me, I _______ (help) you.

Ćwiczenie 2

Przetłumacz poniższe zdania na angielski, używając trzeciego okresu warunkowego.

  1. Gdybym wiedział o tym wcześniej, nie zrobiłbym tego.
  2. Ona zdałaby egzamin, gdyby uczyła się więcej.
  3. Gdyby nie padało, poszlibyśmy na spacer.
  4. Zwiedzilibyśmy miasto, gdybyśmy mieli więcej czasu.
  5. On powiedziałby mi prawdę, gdyby mnie zapytał.
  6. Gdybyśmy zostali dłużej, zobaczylibyśmy fajerwerki.
  7. Ona nie miałaby problemów, gdyby posłuchała mojej rady.
  8. Spotkaliby się z nim, gdyby przybyli wcześniej.
  9. Odpowiedziałbym, gdybyś napisał do mnie.
  10. Gdyby on nie zapomniał kluczy, nie musiałby wracać do domu.
  11. Wszystko poszłoby gładko, gdybyśmy zaplanowali to lepiej.
  12. On zobaczyłby wschód słońca, gdyby nie spał tak długo.

Ćwiczenie 3

Połącz odpowiednie części zdań, tworząc poprawne zdania w trzecim okresie warunkowym.

  1. If I had known about the traffic jam,
  2. If she had brought her umbrella,
  3. If they had taken the earlier train,
  4. If you had reminded me,
  5. If we had saved more money,
  6. If he had checked the weather forecast,
  7. If she had set an alarm,
  8. If we had booked the tickets in advance,
  9. If he had driven more carefully,
  10. If I had seen the sign,
  11. If they had started their journey earlier,
  12. If she had read the book,
  13. If we had stayed at the hotel,
  14. If he had gone to bed earlier,
  15. If they had followed the instructions,

a. we would have gotten the best seats.

b. I wouldn’t have taken that route.

c. she wouldn’t have missed the train.

d. we would have had a comfortable stay.

e. they would have arrived on time.

f. he wouldn’t have had the accident.

g. she would have understood the lecture.

h. we wouldn’t have had to worry about accommodation.

i. he wouldn’t have been late for work.

j. I would have brought it.

k. they would have reached before sunset.

l. she wouldn’t have gotten wet.

m. we would have avoided the long queue.

n. we could have gone on a vacation.

o. we wouldn’t have missed the deadline.

Ćwiczenie 4

Poniżej znajdują się zdania z trzecim okresem warunkowym, ale zawierają błędy, które musisz poprawić.

Tylko jedno zdanie jest poprawne.

  1. If he has studied harder, he would passed the exam.
  2. If we had left earlier, we will have avoided the traffic.
  3. If she would have seen the movie, she would have liked it.
  4. If they had know about the sale, they would have gone shopping.
  5. If you had took my advice, you would have been successful.
  6. If I would have saved more money, I would have bought a car.
  7. If we had planned better, we would have not missed the train.
  8. If he hadn't been late, he would have catched the bus.
  9. If she would have listened to me, she wouldn't have made that mistake.
  10. If they had called me, I would have helped them.



Ćwiczenie 1

  1. had studied / would have passed
  2. would have gone / hadn't rained
  3. had seen / would have told
  4. would have felt / had taken
  5. had left / would have arrived
  6. would have met / had gone
  7. hadn't missed / would have been
  8. would have been / had known
  9. had invited / would have attended
  10. would have understood / had read
  11. had found / wouldn't have been
  12. wouldn't have cried / had heard
  13. had asked / wouldn't have gotten
  14. would have won / had trained
  15. had called / would have helped

Ćwiczenie 2

  1. If I had known about it earlier, I wouldn't have done it.
  2. She would have passed the exam if she had studied more.
  3. If it hadn't rained, we would have gone for a walk.
  4. We would have toured the city if we had had more time.
  5. He would have told me the truth if he had asked me.
  6. If we had stayed longer, we would have seen the fireworks.
  7. She wouldn't have had problems if she had listened to my advice.
  8. They would have met him if they had arrived earlier.
  9. I would have replied if you had written to me.
  10. If he hadn't forgotten the keys, he wouldn't have had to go back home.
  11. Everything would have gone smoothly if we had planned it better.

Ćwiczenie 3

  1. b
  2. l
  3. e
  4. j
  5. n
  6. m
  7. c
  8. a
  9. f
  10. b
  11. k
  12. g
  13. d
  14. i
  15. o

Ćwiczenie 4

  1. If he had studied harder, he would have passed the exam.
  2. If we had left earlier, we would have avoided the traffic.
  3. If she had seen the movie, she would have liked it.
  4. If they had known about the sale, they would have gone shopping.
  5. If you had taken my advice, you would have been successful.
  6. If I had saved more money, I would have bought a car.
  7. If we had planned better, we would not have missed the train.
  8. If he hadn't been late, he would have caught the bus.
  9. If she had listened to me, she wouldn't have made that mistake.
  10. Correct (no error).


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