Strona bierna w czasach Perfect, podobnie jak w czasach Continuous, jest mniej popularnym obszarem gramatyki w języku angielskim. Niemniej, warto, wręcz trzeba poznać strukturę i sposób jej tworzenia, aby płynnie władać językiem angielskim. Zrozumienie strony biernej w czasach Perfect wymaga znajomości zarówno strony biernej (passive voice), jak i czasów w aspekcie Perfect (perfektywnym, dokonanym, chociaż ciężko jest odnieść go do języka polskiego, który ma dwa aspekty, podczas gdy angielski takich aspektów ma cztery).
Strona bierna w czasach perfect angielski
Zacznijmy od przypomnienia. Strona bierna w języku angielskim (passive voice) to konstrukcja zdaniowa, w której podmiot zdania nie jest bezpośrednim sprawcą działania, lecz doświadcza tego działania. W zdaniu biernym akcent kładzie się na tym, co się dzieje, a nie na tym, kto wykonuje daną czynność. Na przykład, w zdaniu 'the cake was eaten by Kate' (ciasto zostało zjedzone przez Kasię), ciasto jest podmiotem, które "doświadcza" działania, a nie jest wykonawcą. Natomiast, w zdaniu w stronie czynnej to podmiot jest wykonawcą czynności a czasownik zawiera formę osobową, na przykład 'Marcel composes songs' (Marcel komponuje piosenki).
Kiedy strona bierna w czasach perfect
W języku angielskim mamy trzy główne czasy Perfect:
Present Perfect – używany do mówienia o czynnościach, które zostały zakończone w przeszłości, ale mają wpływ na teraźniejszość, lub o czynnościach, które nie zostały zakończone.
Struktura: have/has + past participle (III forma czasownika)
Past Perfect – używany do mówienia o czynności, która miała miejsce przed inną czynnością lub momentem w przeszłości.
Struktura: had + past participle
Future Perfect – używany do mówienia o czynności, która zostanie zakończona przed innym momentem w przyszłości.
Struktura: will have + past participle
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Strona bierna w czasach perfect - ćwiczenia pdf
Ćwiczenie 1
Przekształć poniższe zdania w czasach Perfect na stronę bierną. Pamiętaj, aby zachować odpowiednią strukturę strony biernej w danym czasie Perfect. Na przykład:
Strona czynna: 'Researchers have discovered a new species'.
Strona bierna: 'A new species has been discovered by researchers'.
- Architects have designed a new skyscraper.
- Chefs had prepared a luxurious banquet before the event started.
- Legislators will have passed new regulations by next session.
- Curators have showcased ancient artefacts since the exhibition opened.
- Developers have finished the software update.
- The instructor had outlined the course syllabus before the semester began.
- Engineers will have completed the safety tests by tomorrow.
- Gardeners had pruned the trees before the storm hit.
- Managers will have reached a consensus by next week.
- Innovators have received accolades for their creativity.
- Fundraisers will have gathered sufficient donations by the charity gala.
- Students have completed their research papers.
Ćwiczenie 2
Wybierz poprawną formę strony biernej dla podkreślonej części zdania:
1) The company has launched a new product.
- a) has been launched
- b) is launched
- c) had been launched
- d) will have been launched
2) The workers had finished the project before the deadline.
- a) has been finished
- b) was finished
- c) had been finished
- d) will have been finished
3) The author will have completed the book by next month.
- a) will have been completed
- b) has been completed
- c) had been completed
- d) is completed
4) The scientists have discovered a new element.
- a) is discovered
- b) was discovered
- c) has been discovered
- d) will have been discovered
5) The chef had prepared the meal before the guests arrived.
- a) has been prepared
- b) was prepared
- c) will have been prepared
- d) had been prepared
6) The artist has created a masterpiece.
- a) was created
- b) has been created
- c) had been created
- d) will have been created
Ćwiczenie 3
Zamień następujące zdania na stronę bierną, zachowując czas Perfect. Na przykład:
'Experts have evaluated the findings meticulously' - 'The findings have been meticulously evaluated by experts'.
- Experts have scrutinised the data extensively.
- The corporation will have established a new branch in Europe by next year.
- Technicians had rectified the issue before it escalated.
- The selection committee will have reviewed all submissions by the deadline.
- The artist has exhibited her sculptures in international forums.
- Chemists had synthesised the new formula successfully.
- Publishers have launched a series of influential journals.
- Archaeologists had uncovered ancient relics before the site was closed.
- The charity will have met its fundraising goal by the campaign's conclusion.
- Universities have attracted a diverse group of international scholars.
Klucz do ćwiczeń
Ćwiczenie 1
- A new skyscraper has been designed by architects.
- A luxurious banquet had been prepared by chefs before the event started.
- New regulations will have been passed by legislators by next session.
- Ancient artefacts have been showcased by curators since the exhibition opened.
- The software update has been finished by developers.
- The course syllabus had been outlined by the instructor before the semester began.
- Safety tests will have been completed by engineers by tomorrow.
- The trees had been pruned by gardeners before the storm hit.
- A consensus will have been reached by managers by next week.
- Accolades for their creativity have been received by innovators.
- Sufficient donations will have been gathered by fundraisers by the charity gala.
- Research papers have been completed by students.
Ćwiczenie 2
- a
- c
- a
- c
- d
- b
Ćwiczenie 3
- The data has been extensively scrutinised by experts.
- A new branch in Europe will have been established by the corporation by next year.
- The issue had been rectified by technicians before it escalated.
- All submissions will have been reviewed by the selection committee by the deadline.
- Her sculptures have been exhibited in international forums by the artist.
- The new formula had been successfully synthesised by chemists.
- A series of influential journals have been launched by publishers.
- Ancient relics had been uncovered by archaeologists before the site was closed.
- The fundraising goal will have been met by the charity by the campaign's conclusion.
- A diverse group of international scholars have been attracted by universities.