Nie jesteś pewien, czy dobrze rozumiesz różnicę pomiędzy Past Perfect a Past Perfect Continuous? Wykorzystaj nasze ćwiczenia na porównanie czasów zaprzeszłych w języku angielskim. Zachęcamy też do powtórzenia i usystematyzowania teorii dotyczącej stosowania Past Perfect i Past Perfect Continuous. Znajdziesz ją na
Porównanie czasów Past Perfect i Past Perfect Continuous - testy do rozwiązywania
Nasz zestaw ćwiczeń umożliwi Ci samodzielne wyćwiczenie różnicy w stosowaniu Past Perfect i Past Perfect Continuous. Pobierz testy w formie pliku pdf, wydrukuj i rozwiąż ćwiczenia, a następnie sprawdź odpowiedzi w kluczu.

Ćwiczenie 1
Wybierz poprawną opcję.
- We had known / had been knowing each other before we started college.
- How long had she waited / had she been waiting before the shop manager talked to her?
- We hadn’t realised / hadn’t been realising how lucky we were to survive the accident.
- My father retired last year after he had worked / had been working for over forty years.
- After Mark had lost / had been losing his job, he decided to move in with his girlfriend.
- My sister had tried / had been trying to lift the heavy box for a few minutes before she finally gave up and asked me for help.
- We didn’t know that Melanie and Joe had got / had been getting divorced a few months earlier.
- Lisa had slept / had been sleeping for only 10 minutes when the telephone woke her up.
- Ben couldn’t come to the party yesterday because he had broken / had been breaking his leg.
- Mike was upset because he had failed / had been failing his driving exam.
Ćwiczenie 2
Uzupełnij luki czasownikami w nawiasach w poprawnej formie.
- How long _______________ (you / be) at home when you noticed that the jewellery was missing?
- Matt _______________ (not / travel) by himself before the last holidays.
- Many people _______________ (die) in car accidents before safety belts were invented.
- _______________ (you / read) Mary’s emails before we entered the room? You closed the laptop so quickly!
- Michelle _______________ (not / read) the set book and failed the literature test.
- How many candidates_______________ (Mr Grant / talk) to before he made his decision?
- We _______________ (not / talk) for more than 10 minutes when Ms Jones interrupted us.
- The police wanted to know what I _______________ (do) between 3 and 5 the previous night.
- The thieves _______________ (steal) over 20 cars before the police caught them.
- Andrew _______________ (travel) for three months around Asia before he started his studies last year.
Ćwiczenie 3
Przetłumacz fragmenty zdań w nawiasach na język angielski.
- _______________ (Miranda zatrzymała się) at her friends’ for two weeks before she found a nice flat to rent on her own.
- By the time I got home my dog _______________ (zjadł wszystkie kanapki) from the table.
- How much money _______________ (zarobiła twoja firma) by the end of the previous year?
- The customer service specialist _______________ (rozmawiał przez telefon) for at least forty minutes before we could finally report the problem.
- How many times _______________ (oni się spotkali) before their parents realised what was going on?
- The student _______________ (rozwiązał) only half of the exam tasks when the time finished.
- _______________ (czy uczyłeś się angielskiego) before you moved to UK?
- Alice was tired because she _______________ (oglądała telewizję) until 3 am.
- We didn’t have to go shopping because my husband _______________ (kupił wszystko) the day before.
- Jessica _______________ (pracowała do późna) and overslept for work.
Ćwiczenie 4
Znajdź i popraw błędy w zdaniach. Uwaga! Niektóre zdania są poprawne!
- Why didn’t you cook dinner as you had been promised?
- The two businessmen had negotiated for over four hours before they agreed on the final version of the contract.
- Bill had been repairing the car and his clothes were dirty.
- Had you seen the film before you recommended it to us?
- How long had you waiting outside before they let you in?
- I had to buy a new mobile phone because somebody had been stealing my old one.
- Sue said that she had never be to Wales before.
- My parents had offered to give me a lift to the airport so I didn’t have to call for a taxi.
- No, I hadn’t been listening to the radio before you phoned me.
- If he hadn’t been inviting us to the meeting, we wouldn’t have come.

Past Perfect i Past Perfect Continuous - klucz
Ćwiczenie 1
- had known
- had she been waiting
- hadn’t realised
- had worked
- had lost
- had been trying
- had got
- had been sleeping
- had broken
- had failed
Ćwiczenie 2
- had you been
- hadn’t travelled
- had died
- Had you been reading
- hadn’t read
- had Mr Grant talked
- hadn’t been talking
- had been doing
- had stolen
- had been travelling
Ćwiczenie 3
- Miranda had been staying
- had eaten all the sandwiches
- had your company earned
- had been talking on the phone
- had they met
- had completed
- Had you been learning English
- had been watching TV
- had bought
- had been working until late
Ćwiczenie 4
- Why didn’t you cook dinner as you had promised?
- The two businessmen had been negotiating for over four hours before they agreed on the final version of the contract.
- zdanie poprawne
- zdanie poprawne
- How long had you been waiting outside before they let you in?
- I had to buy a new mobile phone because somebody had stolen my old one.
- Sue said that she had never been to Wales before.
- zdanie poprawne
- zdanie poprawne
- If he hadn’t invited us to the meeting, we wouldn’t have come.