Reporting verbs czyli czasowniki wprowadzające stosujemy w mowie zależnej (indirect speech) głównie do przekazywania tego, co ktoś powiedział, bez cytowania dosłownych słów. To bardzo przydatna wiedza, gdy chcemy przytoczyć czyjąś wypowiedź, zachowując jej sens, ale nie podając bezpośredniego cytatu. Forma ta ma zatem swoisty format raportu (report). Upewnijmy się, że wiemy dokładnie jak i kiedy używamy reporting verbs w mowie zależnej w angielskim.
Kiedy reporting verbs w mowie zależnej
Czasowniki wprowadzające (reporting verbs) jak sama nazwa wskazuje wprowadzają zdanie (wypowiedź) zależne. Używamy ich w następujących okolicznościach:
Przekazywanie stwierdzeń
Do przekazywania zwykłych stwierdzeń używamy czasowników say lub tell. Na przykład:
Bezpośrednio: He said, "I am tired”.
Mowa zależna: He said (that) he was tired.
Do przekazywania pytań używamy ask, wonder itp.:
Bezpośrednio: She asked, "Are you coming”?
Mowa zależna: She asked if I was coming.
Prośby i polecenia
Używamy ask, order, tell itp. do przekazywania próśb lub poleceń:
Bezpośrednio: She said, "Please open the window”.
Mowa zależna: She asked me to open the window.
Do przekazywania sugestii używamy suggest, recommend itp.:
Bezpośrednio: He said, "Let's go out for dinner”.
Mowa zależna: He suggested going out for dinner.
Przekonania i opinie
Do wyrażania przekonań i opinii stosujemy believe, think, feel itp.:
Bezpośrednio: She said, "I think this is a mistake".
Mowa zależna: She said (that) she thought it was a mistake.
Reporting verbs w mowie zależnej ćwiczenia pdf
Zawsze gdy przytaczamy czyjąś wypowiedź, nie cytując jej wprost, posługujemy się mową zależną. Zmiana z mowy bezpośredniej na mowę zależną wiąże się z konkretnymi zmianami w zdaniu, takimi jak czasowniki, zaimki osobowe i wskaźniki czasu i miejsca, aby zachować spójność i sens wypowiedzi. Jeżeli chcemy stosować płynnie mowę zależną w języku angielskim warto wszystko gruntownie przećwiczyć.
Zestaw reporting verbs w mowie zależnej ćwiczenia pdf to doskonała pomoc w samodzielnej nauce. Pobierz ten zestaw, wydrukuj i rozwiąż, a następnie sprawdź odpowiedzi w załączonym kluczu na końcu dokumentu.
Zanim to zrobisz, odśwież teorię. Wejdź na i usystematyzuj swoją wiedzę na temat mowy zależnej i reporting verbs.
Ćwiczenie 1
Przekształć poniższe zdania z mowy bezpośredniej na mowę zależną, uwzględniając różne czasy.
- "I am working on a new project", says Tom.
- "Did you see my glasses?" asked Emily.
- "I will help you with your homework", Mark told her.
- "Let's go to the cinema tonight", suggested Jessica.
- "The Earth revolves around the Sun" says the teacher.
- "You need to rest more", the doctor told the patient.
- "Run faster!" shouted the coach.
- "Why are you late?" Sarah asked him.
- "We are going to have a meeting tomorrow", the manager told the team.
- "Can you show me the way to the museum?" the tourist asked.
- "Don't talk to strangers", the mother told her child.
- "Can I submit my assignment late?" the student asked the professor.
- "You were driving too fast", the policeman told the driver.
- "I didn't understand the lesson", said Lucy.
- "Would you like some coffee?" the waiter asked.
Ćwiczenie 2
Przekształć poniższe zdania z mowy bezpośredniej na mowę zależną, używając różnych czasowników wprowadzających oraz różnych czasów.
- "I'll see you tomorrow", he promised.
- "I didn't take your book", she denied.
- "Could you please close the door?" he requested.
- "I've never been to Spain", she admitted.
- "I'll call you tonight", he assured.
- "I might be late", she warned.
- "Please, don't leave the lights on", he begged.
- "I don't like pizza", she confessed.
- "You should see a doctor", he advised.
- "I can solve this problem", she claimed.
- "Let's take a break", he proposed.
- "I haven't finished my homework", she revealed.
- "I thought the exam was easy", he commented.
- "Don't touch my phone", she forbade.
- "I've already eaten", he informed.
Ćwiczenie 3
Przekształć każdą wypowiedź z dialogu na mowę zależną, uwzględniając kontekst rozmowy. Użyj różnych czasowników wprowadzających, aby zachować sens oryginalnych wypowiedzi.
Alex said (that) he would finish the project by the following day.
- Alex: I will finish the project by tomorrow.
- Bella: Did you hear? Jake is moving to Spain!
- Chris: Can you help me with this task?.
- Dana: Let's meet at the coffee shop at 6 PM.
- Evan: I have never seen such a beautiful painting!
- Fiona: I must submit my application before Friday.
- George: Why don't we try something new for dinner?
- Hannah: I think this is the best coffee in town.
- Ian: I'll start my new job on Monday.
- Jill: You should see the view from the hill.
Ćwiczenie 1
- Tom says (that) he is working on a new project.
- Emily asked if I had seen her glasses.
- Mark told her (that) he would help her with her homework.
- Jessica suggested going to the cinema that night.
- The teacher says (that) the Earth revolves around the Sun.
- The doctor told the patient (that) he needed to rest more.
- The coach shouted to run faster.
- Sarah asked him why he was late.
- The manager told the team (that) they were going to have a meeting the next day.
- The tourist asked if you could show him the way to the museum.
- The mother told her child not to talk to strangers.
- The student asked the professor if he could submit his assignment late.
- The policeman told the driver (that) he had been driving too fast.
- Lucy said (that) she hadn't understood the lesson.
- The waiter asked if I would like some coffee.
Ćwiczenie 2
- He promised (that) he would see me tomorrow.
- She denied taking my book.
- He requested that I please close the door.
- She admitted (that) she had never been to Spain.
- He assured (that) he would call me that night.
- She warned (that) she might be late.
- He begged not to leave the lights on.
- She confessed (that) she doesn't like pizza.
- He advised (that) you should see a doctor.
- She claimed (that) she can solve the problem.
- He proposed taking a break.
- She revealed (that) she hasn't finished her homework.
- He commented (that) he thought the exam was easy.
- She forbade touching her phone.
- He informed (that) he had already eaten.
Ćwiczenie 3
- Alex said (that) he would finish the project by the following day.
- Bella said (that) she had heard Jake was moving to Spain.
- Chris asked if I could help him with his task.
- Dana suggested meeting at the coffee shop at 6 PM.
- Evan exclaimed that he had never seen such a beautiful painting.
- Fiona stated she must submit her application before Friday.
- George proposed trying something new for dinner.
- Hannah opined that this was the best coffee in town.
- Ian announced he would start his new job on Monday.
- Jill recommended seeing the view from the hill.